
The FAR Process - Find, Attract, Retain

The way an organization crafts its brands and tells its story can make all the difference between stagnation and growth. Phase One employs our FAR process to provide a comprehensive approach to growing your business or driving donations.


It all starts with a comprehensive review of your industry, your competitors, and your potential customers. We want to know anything and everything about your business. We establish a benchmark and a plan to get you where you want to go next. Together, we create an ambitious but achievable digital and experiential strategy with measurable targets.


Organic growth requires generating high quality digital content and experiences that draw in your prospective clients. Our experts build a powerful brand identity that can extend across multiple digital channels and experiences. We then update your digital identity and curate social media posts, events, and engagements to get you and your business seen and experienced by people who can genuinely be considered potential customers.


Phase One aims to build meaningful and long-lasting customer engagements for our clients. This requires ongoing contact, monitoring, and improvement of your marketing footprint. We measure all aspects of your social media and digital campaigns and provide regular updates on what is working, and what needs to be improved. We maximize the impact of all your events by making sure they represent the beginning of an ongoing relationship with your potential customers. Together, we will continually enhance your digital and event strategy to keep your business on trend.